I thank you lord for the knowledge and courage you vested in me and to all IECEP-KSA-CRC Board of Directors, Officers and fellow members for being there always to assist, help, and guide us on how to pass the board exam. Especially to the ECT committee who conducted a free review which is a big factor for us to pass the previous SPLBE exam. Thanks also to all who supports and encourage us to take and pursue our long slept career. They awake us from sleep and give us hope to be a full pledge Professionals even if we are outside our country .And to all my colleagues who were not able to make it.Don’t loss hope there’s always next time just don’t stop.
– Edwin R. Rosell(ECT)
congratulations to my data-phil fiber optics technician course classmate Edwin R. Rosell ECT.
and to all IECEP-KSA-CRC Board of Directors and Officers… more power and may Godbless!!!.