My journey towards attaining my PECE started about 3 years ago. I did not want to subject myself to further pressure in undergoing the process of upgrading. The last time I took a major national test such as the ECE Board Examinations was about 20 years ago. Although I do want to advance my status from licensed ECE to Professional Electronics Engineer, taking another examination was the last thing on my mind. But thanks to the prodding of my fellow ECEs who have decided to take the challenge even as I was still starting to conceive the idea.
Since then, it was the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Central Region Chapter (IECEP-KSA-CRC) that has patiently guided me and competently assisted me from the application and registration process, to the gathering of all the relevant documents for my portfolio, all the way to the submission of requirements and request for the schedule of interview and oral examinations by the PRC BECE.
I would like to especially express my sincere thanks to our IECEP-KSA-CRC President, Engr. Artemio N. Dy, for his motivation and encouragement to pursue this professional upgrading even as I was about to give up. I would like to thank as well the other officers of the organization who have helped me in assembling my portfolio, and believed in my qualifications and capability through the recommendation letters that they wrote for me.
Now that this achievement has finally come true for me, I believe this is part of God’s plan for my professional career. He deserves my utmost praise and gratitude for His guidance and unconditional love throughout this entire journey. Praise and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I am lucky to be blessed by a loving family (Nicah, my wife; Therese, Dominic, and James, my children; Richard, my brother; and Mama Lina) who have been instrumental in helping me achieve this milestone through their untiring support, guidance, and inspiration. Thanks to all of you!
Words are not enough to express my gratitude for all these blessing and gifts of persons. As a new PECE, I would like to pay it forward to my colleagues in the profession who would like to pursue this same endeavor.
To God be the glory!
Engr. Lemuel T. Lasap, PECE