IECEP-KSA-CRC Board of Trustees for 2023 for the Electronics Engineers of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Chapter proclaims its new elected set of Board of Trustees during the 12th Annual General Membership Meeting held on December 9, 2022, Saudi Arabia Time at Al-Mutlaq Hotel.
The proclamation of the new set of officers was witnessed by the IECEP National Vice-President of Internal Affairs Engr. Lyle Villa & the Chairman of the Board of Electronics Dr. Alnar Detalla together with the attending Chapter Members. Similarly, the Engr. Mario Balboa Founding Governor of IECEP-KSA-CRC and PCEA-KSA, Engr. Mories Galuso 2022 PPO-CRSA Chairman, and Hon. Lucille Gayaman of POLO-OWWA Riyadh bore witness to the proceedings.
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