The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IECEP) – Most Outstanding Foreign Chapter IECEP-KSA-CRC invites you Outstanding Members to attend the 73rd IECEP Mid-year Convention with the theme “MasterpiECE: Showcasing Engineering Ingenuity in Electronics and Emerging Technologies” on June 1-3, 2023, at Puerto Princesa City. Come, be part of, and witness the event!
Register via https://myiecep.net
Settle payment via https://paymongo.page/l/iecepmidcon
1. Solar Farm
2. Palawan International Technology Business Incubator Exciting Prizes awaits active Outstanding Members.
Let us make the MASTERPIECE happen.
For clarifications, guidance & assistance please do not hesitate to email us on officers@iecep-ksa-crc.org for guidance.