Your most outstanding Chapter IECEP-KSA-CRC provides guidance and consultation on Members interested in upgrading to IECEP LIFE Members.
In accordance with the public advisories dated 23 December 2022 posted on the IECEP National official website. The details herewith are as follows.
Eligible Applicants are
– at least seven years of active membership.
– updated membership dues
– Member in Good Standing
Eligible and successful applicants will receive the following from IECEP National.
1. Commemorative Life Member Jacket
2. Gold Life Membership ID
Life Membership Procedures
1. The interested member shall contact his/her chapter of affiliation (preferably via email) to signify intent of applying for Life Membership (please check your eligibility above).
2. The chapter shall recommend, via email, the qualified member to the National Secretariat by sending its endorsement to:
membership@iecepnational.com & secretariat@iecepnational.com
3. The National Secretariat shall assess and verify the endorsement, and a State of Account (SOA) shall be issued/billed to qualified member via email. Payment link shall also be provided Upon payment, the qualified members is required to send a screenshot of his/her proof of payment via the above given email addresses.
4. The permanent ID and merchandises shall be made available to the endorsing chapter for pickup at the National Office.
Source: Facebook
Wherein with regards to Life Membership Procedure 1; Members of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Central Region Chapter shall compose an email and send to the concerned as per the below details.
To: largoso@iecep-ksa-crc.org
CC: officers@iecep-ksa-crc.org
Subject: Lifetime Membership Assessment
Body: I <Your Name> would like to signify my intent on becoming a Life Member. Please guide me on the necessary steps for this endeavor.